
Analytics courses

Google Analytics for Beginners (4-6 hours)

Depending on your familiarity with the content, this course will take you 4-6 hours to complete. Google Analytics for Beginners. Completing this course and gaining a certificate is part of your coursework submission.

Advanced Google Analytics (4-6 hours)

This course will also take around 4-6 hours to complete. Advanced Google Analytics. Take this if you want to pursue analytics as a career. Advanced Google Analytics.

Introduction to Data Studio (2-5 hours)

Google’s data visualisation tool. Introduction to Data Studio.

Search engines and online advertising (3 hours)

Learn how to use search engines and online advertising to attract customers. Become searchable so that they can find you online. Access the course here.

Web analytics and measurement (1 hour)

This course is a short introduction to web analytics and how to use it to understand customer needs and online behaviours. Access the course here.